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Funny Lunch Box Notes Printable Free

Lunch box notes are such a sweet way to show kids you are thinking about them! Enjoy these FREE lunch box notes for kids – over 175 of them!

Over 175 Free Lunch Box Notes

Is your child ready to go back to school? Or maybe it's his or her first time? That can always be crazy. When I first went to Kindergarten, I thought I only had to go for one day.

The joke was on me when my mom took me back! I cried and cried. No one told me school wasn't a one time thing. How was I to know? School makes a lot of kids nervous until they get used to it!

Lunch box notes for kids are a fun way to reduce school jitters, or to even just let your little know that you are thinking about them.

Tips for Your Notes

I know you're thinking there's probably not much to it . . . you just print out the lunch box notes, cut, and stick in a lunch box. But there are a few things I've read that I think are good points so I want to share them here:

  1. Consider sticking or tying the note to one of the food items to make sure that your child sees them (see those tips below).
  2. Make the lunch notes more durable by printing them out on thicker paper (cardstock, for example). Some people even choose to laminate theirs! You could do it with clear packing tape. Then you can reuse them (good if you have multiple kids).

How to Attach Lunch Notes

There are a few good ways to attach the notes that I've seen that are pretty cute, and I think you should consider them:

  1. Double stick tape
  2. Baker's twine and a hole punch
  3. Washi tape
  4. Sticker paper (like the full sheets here)

You also don't necessarily have to put them in a lunch box. They are great for folders, backpacks, or even in the bathroom in the morning while your child is getting ready for school. It's whenever the mood strikes!

Whenever or wherever you use these notes, your kids are going to love them. Grab the list below!

Which set of lunch box notes is your favorite? Do you have a set you'd like to share? If so, let me know in the comments. I'd love to see them!


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